How to Build A Chrome Extension: Part 3

Building A Chrome Extension

Posted by Garrett Mac on 07/07/7990
In Development, Chrome Extension
Tags blog, chrome extension, google

How to Build A Chrome Extension: Part 3

Building A Chrome Extension

Welcome to Part 2 of my “How to Build A Chrome Extension” multipart tutorial if you need an overview of Project Concepts, Structure, and Terminology check out my How to Build A Chrome Extension Part 1: A Birds Eye Overview or How to Build A Chrome Extension Part 2: Understanding the Chrome API.

Here we are going make a chrome extension that displays a window with a list of the Reddit Subreddit that the user’s current url tab has been posted on. So for chrome to enable us to have access to the users tab instances, and we want to make reddit api calls we need to add the following permission to our manifest.json


Here we want a subwindow to display when when a user clicks our extension we are going to need to declare a browser_action inside our manifest.json and lets tell it to load our popup.html file when the user clicks the icon. We can do that by adding the following browser_action object inside our manifest.json file.

  "browser_action": {
        "default_title": "RedditLabs",
        "default_popup": "popup.html",

So you’re prolly asking, “where does the logic to make Reddit API calls go?” because I did.

We’ll you can load in .js files into the popup.html file defined in our manifests.json file and that will work just fine, however you should use the background.js script for this that you can declare in your manifest.json browser_action object by adding


Let me clear up some things that may be confusing when looking at this. The background page is in .html but is not attached to your apps DOM Events.

Here the popup.html file will simply be a dumb view, only able to accept parameters from the background.html that we’ll set up to do the heaving lifting, ergo making the our Reddit API Calls.

To enable the popup.html to awuire parameters from our background worker page we need to add the following refrence to our popup.html const worker = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage() You now have access to the full scope of functions of any script tag loaded into the background.html. For instance if the background.html page includes:

       function foo(param){
             console.log("foo: ", param)

then in our popup.html page we can access it by:

const worker = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()"bar")

So knowing that lets enable us into being able to access the console object in our worker page inside our popup.html page, to do this we add the following to our background.html

       function chromeConsole(type="log",msg){
             return {type:"log",msg}

Then use chromeConsole() unstead of console.log() and add


to get them to emit to our popup.html page.

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